Tuesday, July 13, 2010

UK week 22, with the grandparents Smith

We had a marvellous few days with Rob and Helen, Jac's folks, including heading out to Cliffe near Canterbury - Helen at left is showing us where she used to live as a teenager in Cliffe.

And the appropriately named church in Cliffe, the largest parish church in Kent.

We all line up outside Anglicanism's equivalent of St Peter's, Canterbury Cathedral, where for the £24 a family cover charge you get to see, below, where Thomas Becket was murdered by knights thinking they were doing the king a favour, and creating 'The Martyrdom' tourist attraction in the process. Canty's probably the most interesting church we've been in - the Black Prince's actual battle get-up and his tomb are here, as well as Henry the 4th's (or was it 5th's? 6th's?)

Spreading the chores around

Getting in some Baroque dancing at Kensington Palace as part of London's Big Dance month. Yep, they wanted us back as instructors but we just couldn't find the time.

The post Gay Pride party squash in Old Compton St, Soho, where you can just see Jac on her way to the theatre (to see Jersey Boys - great fun).

Paddling in Greenwich park.

Jac and Elsie, Dan and Rachel's daughter. They all came round for a barbie with Rob and Helen, held in Auckland-like temperatures.

Dan v Sam

We now all know what Matisse's 'Snail' looks like at the Tate Modern.

Tate's Warhol room

And on the Millennium Bridge

The big barbie in the back yard

Rob and the grandks watch a video in the underbelly of a Vulcan fighter at the RAF museum.

Rob at The Globe for Henry VI part 2. Very funny if virtually incomprehensible

Helen and the girls playing Fish.

1 comment:

  1. Hi we have finally worked out how to view the blog and make comment! Fantastic to see the photos - we particularly keen on Phil's baroque dancing
