Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Brighton (and Imperial war museum)

"The big ship's guns were the biggest guns I ever saw." - Lara
Above, the big (15 inch) naval guns outside the Imperial War Museum in Lambeth. One for the gun envyers among you. PS The Ireland blog's got a whole lot more photos since April 26.

The Tommies, left, versus the fiercesome Kraut, right. Those salutes need work.

"I liked squashing teh rats in the trenches" - Rosa.
The Game of Rat Splat part of the Terrible Trenches special exhibition (only so-so - £10 for the 5 of us to get in, though the whole museum itself is free). "I learnt whats it like in the trenches. what mustard gas smells like an how to escape a sinking submarine" - Sam.

A recreated trench, right, and below a multipurpose 1940s bomb shelter used in your dining room as a table during the day and for sleeping in at night.
"I learnt that when soldiers got frost bite that they rubbed snow onto their feet but it diden't work because rubbing frost bite makes it worse. Their were different kinds of soldier. one tyep was called a Sniper. both teams had them. They were veary good shooters so the teams used them for hard times." - Ellie

The antidote to all that war-war, a spot of wombling in Coldfall Wood with the local litter-picking-up cubs we're umming and ahhing over joining.

No mushy peas or "Not for the Feint-hearted 12oz Fillet of Cod!! (£5 with chips on the pier, about the same as from any fish and chip shop here)
But we did go for a spin on the rides, and a swim in the Channel (20 degrees we reckon on Saturday april 24)

Guess who's pinching who.

We just loved the pier trash. 20 quid for 30 ride tokens got them all 2-3 rides each though heaps off limits cos of height restrictions. Next stop Butlins and Blackpool.

Dodgems were the top pick.
"I won, I smacked into you three times and you only got me once" Sam to Ellie.

... and finish it off with a jaunt out front of the bizarre Royal Pavilion - it looked a bit closed up but then signs said open 7 days, whole thing a bit odd, fitting right in with the pier thing - and a horrible traffic jam on the A23 with all the other beachgoers trying to get out at 6pm. We want to live in Brighton. Franks on buns when we got home at 9pm.

1 comment:

  1. What do you mean? Royal Pavillion absolutley fab!!! Remember going there and loving it - totally over the top!!!! Looks like you guys still having fun....you must be off to Greece soon. Don't forget to spend up large and try and save the poor Greeks from their debt crisis. Alison
