Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Feb 22-28, London & Science museums, London Eye and The Palace

Above: Height challenged tourists ride London Eye without theirs open. Remarkably efficient set-up, helped cos we booked on line - in to 3D 4 min movie and into eye queue and out again all in 45 mins despite 000s of people. £61 for us (a family pass + 2 kids, good discount cos adults on their own are £27).

Above: At Cleopatra's Needle on Feb 21 - this is the Not-Nice Sphinx from the kids' novel Stoneheart, the first of the book's statues we've seen - we intend to spot all 10 or so of them.

Top right: if you look closely you can see Rosa and Phil, outside Buckingham Palace on Saturday Feb 27. And the rest of the crew at the palace, right; and Ellie on the London Eye the same day.

From Lara I went to the church and then downstiras to sunday school.

From Ellie,

We went on the London Eye.

I went to a grave-yard.We went to see Carl Marx's grave.It had a

carving of his head on it that was made of stone.He was famous for

being the father of communism.He died in 1883 + was born in 1818.

From Rosa:

we went to the church and we went to sunday school.

From Sam
we went on the london eye I could see all the way to where we live.

1 comment:

  1. Hi guys,

    Wow you are doing so much stuff. The London eye looks really cool. We are enjoying a fairly warm feb/march which is nice although have to say tomoato season was pretty dismal. Cricket is nearly finished and rugby registrations were last week. Mike and Oli did the Bike the trail last weeekend but it was shortened due to the tsunami warning from the Chile earthquake, in fact that day ended up a bit of a distaster really as the Kea/Cub/scout/ water day at St James was also cancelled due to the tsunami warning. Hope all going well. Alison
