Saturday, January 30, 2010

2010 Adventure - The Goodbyes

From Sam

from sam

To all my friends goodbye

to all my friends goodbye

and have a great year.

and have a great year

p.s. red is translatesion.


From Ellie,

I hope you don't forget me too much.

You were all really good friends to me.

I sent this message on sunday, Tomorrow

we are getting on the plane


from Rosa

To all my friends

I will miss you heaps.


from lara

to all my friends I`m looking forward to the computers on the plane.



  1. Hope you guys have a great trip. Look forward to hearing and seeing all the fantastic photos and stories of your trip. We will miss you. Alison

  2. Dear Sam
    I hear that you are in Singapore. Have you been to the Zoo yet? I am so going to miss you! How are you? Pease reply soon.

    From Oliver

  3. Dear Eille I have a good day and holiday.I am good at reading and writing.I went to Taupo for two nights and I went to Coromandel
    I went to the beach 8 time.

    From Grace

  4. Hi guys!

    How's it going in hot Singapore? Hope the plane flight was AOK and someone got some sleep some of the time. Hope you're all having a great time seeing the sights, swimming in the pool and eating fab food.

    Hi Sam, Ellie, Rosa & Lara,
    Hope you had a nice trip and that it's nice and hot in Singapore. Did you like the computers on the plane? I'm home from school today cos I got a piece of bark in my eye at school yesterday and I had to go to the doctor and it really hurt. Mum has to put drops in my eye.

    Love from Grace

  5. Hi Everyone,
    Glad you had such an enjoyable and trouble free trip over. Hope the jetlag doesn't linger too long.
    Everything is fine this end, give our love to Jen J & G
    Looking forward to an email in due course,
    Love Grandma and Grandad

  6. Dear Sam,
    On Sunday me and Grace went to the Weet-Bix Tryathlon. We also lost our first Cricket game. The pool sounds cold and cool. Hand it over to you.

    From Oliver

  7. Dear Eille,
    On Sunday me and Oliver did the weet-Bix Tryathlon. I liked running the best because I passed two grils and 3 boys.

    from Grace Davidson

  8. Dear sam
    on Saturday I went to cricket my team won 146 to 80. We also went to the petone rotary fair but that was pretty boring because I am a bit to old for most of the rides. Lastly we went to the rugby game Hurricanes vs. western force and the Hurricanes won 47 to 20.
    From Oliver

  9. Dear Ellie today I did a designed a dog
    it was fun and cool.I did a dog because they are cute and nice.On Saturday I went to the rugby game it was Hurricanes vs
    Western force and the Hurricanes won.I liked
    when dad got me and Oliver some chips.I also
    went to the petone fair.

    from grace.

  10. Hi Family,
    great to know you are all having so much fun. Was it cousin Dan's birthday party you had? Did you meet baby Elsie?
    It is very hot here, over 30degrees all week.
    We are off to Russell on 6th March for 10 days for a holiday.
    Love to you all.
    Grandma and Grandad.
